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When viewing a report in HealthAdvisor, the Acquisition section displays a dropdown box called Tracking parameters. This dropdown lets you select the type of parameters that you would like shown in those metrics.

Screenshot of Tracking parameters dropdown in HealthAdvisor

What are Tracking parameters?

Generally speaking, “parameters” (also called “query strings”) are optional extensions of a URL. Parameters come after a “?” character in the URL. If more than one parameter is used, they are separated by “&” characters.

Parameters pass information about a click via the URL. A code script on the site reads that information and perform functions like tracking, loading content (like pagination), translation, etc. So for example: if a URL has a “utm_source” parameter and the value is “eloqua”, then we know that this user clicked on a link from Eloqua to get to the site.

HealthAdvisor URLs can use parameters to track lots of useful information about an assessment - like source, channel, and more - which are then used to inform the metrics in your HealthAdvisor reports. When directing users to take your HealthAdvisor assessment, you can add those parameters to the base URL of the HealthAdvisor assessment. This will ensure that all of those things are tracked along with the assessment results.

Screenshot of a HealthAdvisor assessment URL with the base URL and tracking parameters labeled

What do the different options in HealthAdvisor mean?

HealthAdvisor can use two different types of tracking parameters. Each type has a slightly different purpose:

  • UTM (utm_): These codes are generic tracking parameters that are widely compatible with tracking scripts like Google Analytics.
  • Ignite Growth Platform (hgcrm_): These codes are proprietary to WebMD Ignite. They track assessment activity, but also enable integrating HealthAdvisor assessment data into Ignite Growth Platform. If you have both products, you can use them in tandem to create highly effective marketing campaigns for your healthcare organization. These codes are required for tracking assessment activity in Ignite Growth Platform.

What does changing the dropdown in a HealthAdvisor report do?

When setting the Tracking parameter dropdown, you are selecting the codes that you would like captured by the report you are looking at. The graph values may be different depending on whether different tracking codes were recorded for the assessment. For instance: If you created several different links for this assessment for use in different campaigns, and more links used UTM parameters than Ignite Growth Platform parameters; then the metrics showing while UTM (utm_) is selected will likely be higher than Ignite Growth Platform (hgcrm_) since it likely received more responses.


Want to learn more about how HealthAdvisor can integrate with Ignite Growth Platform? Please contact us for a consultation!

Already have both HealthAdvisor and Ignite Growth Platform, and want help setting up an integration? Please create a support ticket to let us know. We’re excited to help!